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Arrested for a Violent Crime in Houston? Here’s What You Need to Do Immediately

May 16, 2024

Being arrested for a violent crime in Houston can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Whether you’re facing charges for assault, robbery, or any other violent offense, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to protect your rights and build a strong defense. Here’s what you need to do right away if you find yourself facing criminal charges for a violent crime.

1. Stay Calm and Composed

Why It Matters: Remaining calm helps you think clearly and avoid actions that could worsen your situation.

Steps to Take

  • Take deep breaths and try to keep your emotions in check.
  • Remember that anything you say or do can be used against you in court.

2. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent

Why It Matters: Anything you say to the police can be used as evidence against you.

Steps to Take

  • Politely inform the officers that you wish to remain silent.
  • Avoid discussing the details of your case with anyone, including family and friends, until you have legal representation.

3. Request Legal Representation Immediately

Why It Matters: Having an experienced attorney by your side ensures that your rights are protected and that you receive the best possible defense.

Steps to Take

  • Clearly state that you want to speak to a lawyer.
  • Contact Ed Chernoff at Chernoff Law, a Houston violent crime defense attorney, for legal assistance. Ed Chernoff has extensive experience defending clients against violent crime charges, including assault, aggravated assault, domestic violence, and homicide.

4. Document the Details of Your Arrest

Why It Matters: Accurate details about your arrest can be crucial for your defense.

Steps to Take

  • Write down everything you remember about the events leading to your arrest, the arrest itself, and any interactions with law enforcement.
  • Include the time, location, names of officers, and any witnesses.

5. Avoid Discussing Your Case with Others

Why It Matters: Conversations about your case can be misconstrued or used against you.

Steps to Take

  • Only discuss your case with your attorney.
  • Instruct your family and friends to refrain from talking about your case, especially on social media.

6. Follow Your Attorney’s Advice

Why It Matters: Your attorney’s guidance is based on their experience and knowledge of the law, which is vital for your defense.

Steps to Take

  • Provide your attorney with all requested information and documentation.
  • Attend all scheduled meetings and court appearances.

7. Gather Evidence and Witnesses

Why It Matters: Evidence and witness testimony can significantly strengthen your defense.

Steps to Take

  • Help your attorney identify and locate any evidence that could support your case.
  • Provide the names and contact information of potential witnesses to your attorney.

8. Understand the Charges Against You

Why It Matters: Knowing the specifics of the charges helps you and your attorney plan an effective defense.

Steps to Take

  • Ask your attorney to explain the charges in detail.
  • Learn about the potential penalties and legal implications of the charges you are facing.

9. Prepare for Court

Why It Matters: Being prepared for court appearances can make a positive impression and demonstrate your commitment to your defense.

Steps to Take

  • Dress appropriately for court.
  • Arrive on time and be respectful to everyone in the courtroom.

10. Consider All Legal Options

Why It Matters: Understanding all available options ensures you make informed decisions about your case.

Steps to Take

  • Discuss potential plea deals, defense strategies, and trial options with your attorney.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of each option before making decisions.

Why Choose Chernoff Law?

Ed Chernoff and the team at Chernoff Law specialize in defending clients against violent crime charges in Houston. Their extensive experience and deep understanding of Texas criminal law make them well-equipped to handle your case. They are dedicated to providing personalized and aggressive defense strategies tailored to the unique circumstances of each client. With a proven track record of success, Chernoff Law is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for their clients.

Contact Chernoff Law Today For a Free Consultation

If you’ve been arrested for a violent crime in Houston, taking immediate and informed action is crucial. Following these steps can help protect your rights and build a strong defense. Remember, the most important step is to seek legal representation from an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer like Ed Chernoff at Chernoff Law. Contact us today to discuss your case and start building your defense.

Reviews Matter

"Ed Chernoff is truly an amazing lawyer and person. He was able to get my felony charge DISMISSED by the Grand Jury in only 2 weeks! Thank you Mr. Chernoff for being the very best you could be and for helping so many others like me. You are a blessing."
- Reggie Kerr

"Mr. Chernoff was adamant about not having me plead guilty to my case and was able to completely wipe my record of the incident. Ed was very prompt, professional, and excellent at explaining where we were in the process and what to expect. I highly recommend him. He is an excellent lawyer."
- Jeff Stautner

"I could not have made a better decision in hiring Ed. He put my fears at ease and helped me get my case dismissed and my life back on track. I would highly recommend hiring Ed and letting him do the same for you."
- Jordan Charles

"I don’t have the words to express how grateful we are for Mr. Chernoff and his team. They always kept us updated and were available for any questions we had. They were able to obtain the best possible outcome. I would definitely use him again and highly recommend him."
- Susan Purdy
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